Picture from: library.thinkquest.org/J002319/earthquakes.htm
Some five hundred million years ago Pangea seemed like a plateau, surrounded by mountains. The tallest mountains of the world bordered Pangea.
Pangea is drawed with a sea shore, but before the sea came about, before there were any separation of the continents,Pangea cuould have had the shape of a crater. Round, the mountains as the product of an impact from outer space. When we see the craters of meteorites, we see thet the earth aroud the circle goes up, the center of the impact also goes up.
I can guess that something large hit the earth and produced this large crater. Why did the surrounding mountains became volcanoes? I do not know, but for the sake continuing with this theory lets say that what fell on the earth had material of the center of the earth. The perimeter of this heavy object left faults that went to the core of the earth. Also , the pressure in the center of the earth increased with tha additional heavy material, the only way out to alleviate this pressure was through the faults to the surface.To account for the water on the earth, this heavy object could have been frozen. The ice around it, deposited itself next to the surrounding mountains. The ice would have melted and the water vapor would have installed itself beneath the surface of the earth.
This large object that impacted the earth could have been another moon that the earth had at one time. The material of this object had to be similar to the material that we find in what we call the continents now. Our moon has similar composition than the earth.If what hit the earh was a comet that brought the water, how big would that comet had to be? my guess is that it would have to be too large to leave a crater like Pangea. It is more believable thet the water vapor came from the volcanoes.Althought , the fragility of comets, the hight velocity at which it had to come , the water vapor introduced under the earth, are good arguments for a large comet being the former of Pangea.
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