martes, 30 de marzo de 2010

Chilean earthquake, and Haiti earthquake

From: CamU Fuerza Chile14, pps

On the 27th of February, 2010 at 3:34:17, , local time(UTC-3), Chile was shaken by nature:
8,3 MW according to Chilean Saismological Service
8,8 MW according to USA Geological Service
Epicenter was on the coast, accross Curanipe and Cobquecura
150 km NW of Concepcion .
63 km SW of Cauquenes,
47,4 km below the earth crust.
It lasted 2 minutes and 45 seconds,
It was felt from Ica , Peru to Buenos Aires , Argentina , and Sao Paulo , Brasil,
It affected 80% of the population of Chile, ( 13 million people).
This is one of the five strongest earthquakes registered in history .
This earthquake was 31 times stronger than the Haiti earthquake ,and liberated 178 times more energy .

One could see pictures of fish boats that had been grounded by the sea in the Peruvian sea shore.
There is the coincidence that the same meridian passes throught very close to the epicenter of the earthquakes in Haiti and in Chile.
The sun activity is in its lowest at this moment , but the gravitational force of the Jupiter is added to the gravitational force of the sun at the moment of the earthquakes.

I keep thinking that the tectonic plates were formed by the accretion during the formation of the earth and that the impact for the formation of the moon gave us the tectonic movement that originated the vulcanos.
Why is this belt of fire close to being round, around the largest sea?
North west of the Pacific Japan and the Hachijo islands form an arc, in the south west , the Solomon islands form an arc, in the south east , South America , the coasts of Perú and Chile form an arc, in the North east , the coasts of the US and Canada and Alaska form an arc.

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