miércoles, 30 de enero de 2008

Un cometa o un planeta enano?


Tienen la direccion URL para ubicar esta imagen de la parte oeste de Pangea.
La idea es de visualizar la cordillera de los Andes, desde cabo de Hornos a Alaska como un arco. El circulo del cual este arco formaría parte tiene su centro en lo que ahora llamamos el mar Mediterraneo. Existe el cinturón de volcanes llamado Alphinea en esta zona.
Los mapas que he visto de Pangea no dan una visión de un circulo con montañas en el perímetro. Existe un arco de montañas en el este de la china continental en la actualidad. Esta cordillera en Asia se uniria con Alaska en Pangea.Para completar el perimetro del circulo el problema esta en el cuadrante sur este. La India migró desde el sur hacia el norte, anualmente esta migración contribuye a elevar la cordillera del Himalaya.
En teoría puede ser que la masa de hielo y roca que golpeó a la tierra vino desde la dirección sur este . Existen dos cráteres en la luna, Messier y Messier A :


El crater Messier es mas alargado que el crater Messier A. En el crater Messier se debe notar la cadena de montañas en el centro, que tiene una forma alargada. Usualmente en los crateres se dice que fueron causados por meteoros o por cometas sin expecificar ni uno ni otro. El cometa Shoemaker-Levy dejo una hilera de cráteres en linea recta. Es probable que los crateres Messier fueron causados por un cometa. Uno deberia mirar mas de cerca a estos cráteres para ver si existen signos de el liquido congelado que usualmente cubre los cometas. Bailey M. E. opina que si los cráteres tienen mas de 10 kilometros de diámetro entonces son causados por aeroritos y no por cometas:


Desde Wipple en los años 50, los meteoritos son cometas que perdieron su cubierta de hielo después de pasar cerca del sol varias veces.

Los planetas enanos tambien tienen una cubierta de líquido. Pluto es dos tercios el tamaño de la luna y tiene una orbita que se acerca al sol. Hablar de probabilidades de que un planeta enano choque con la tierra durante tres mil millones de años, es casi una certidumbre. Pluto esta cubierto de metano y nitrógeno congelado, lo que se supone es parte de la primera atmósfera de la tierra. Neptuno, el octavo planeta tiene 12 lunas, atraidas de los meteoros que vienen de la nube de Kuiper que rodea el sistema solar. Los planetas exteriores tienen mas posibilidades de atraer estos cuerpos que son atraidos por el sol.

sábado, 26 de enero de 2008

Origin of Pangea

Picture from: library.thinkquest.org/J002319/earthquakes.htm

Some five hundred million years ago Pangea seemed like a plateau, surrounded by mountains. The tallest mountains of the world bordered Pangea.
Pangea is drawed with a sea shore, but before the sea came about, before there were any separation of the continents,Pangea cuould have had the shape of a crater. Round, the mountains as the product of an impact from outer space. When we see the craters of meteorites, we see thet the earth aroud the circle goes up, the center of the impact also goes up.
I can guess that something large hit the earth and produced this large crater. Why did the surrounding mountains became volcanoes? I do not know, but for the sake continuing with this theory lets say that what fell on the earth had material of the center of the earth. The perimeter of this heavy object left faults that went to the core of the earth. Also , the pressure in the center of the earth increased with tha additional heavy material, the only way out to alleviate this pressure was through the faults to the surface.To account for the water on the earth, this heavy object could have been frozen. The ice around it, deposited itself next to the surrounding mountains. The ice would have melted and the water vapor would have installed itself beneath the surface of the earth.
This large object that impacted the earth could have been another moon that the earth had at one time. The material of this object had to be similar to the material that we find in what we call the continents now. Our moon has similar composition than the earth.If what hit the earh was a comet that brought the water, how big would that comet had to be? my guess is that it would have to be too large to leave a crater like Pangea. It is more believable thet the water vapor came from the volcanoes.Althought , the fragility of comets, the hight velocity at which it had to come , the water vapor introduced under the earth, are good arguments for a large comet being the former of Pangea.


Picture from : geology.com/pangea.htm
I guess I am more hopeful than anxious of finding answers to questions, and looking for resonance to ideas about the earthquakes.

According to my reading , the water of the oceans came from the water vapor of eruptions of volcanoes (Earth, Frank Press and Raymond Siever). Before 600 million years (for more than 3 000 million years), there was no sea. The earth had an elevated zone that formed the Pangea. How this elevated zone came about? The answer to this question may help us to define the origin of volcanoes. The lightest material, the granite, travelled to the surface, the basalt ,behind, helped to form the crust?.This sounds as the action of the force of gravity . 225 million years ago , the volcanoes were around the Pangea. What we call now the volcanic belt, was really a belt around all of the known earth. All earthquakes here were of volcanic origin. Heavier material than basalt had not migrated downwards completely.

What is the shape of the center of the earth? I imagine a large solid cave where the liquid iron and nickel of the outer core move subject to the four forces: electromagnetic, large nuclear force, small nuclear force, and the gravity. I would guess that there is an amount of gas created by the nearness of the solid and the liquid. This gas would suffer great pressure and would be first affected by outside ions This large cave would have inlets towards the current volcanoes. Gravity is the weaker force among the four forces. The origin of the migration of the continents would be in the changes of the shape of the cave where the iron and chrome are located.

William Guilbert in 1600 announces that the earth has a magnetic field. He also studied electricity , and named it. A unit of magnetism is named guilbert. Being this electromagnetic field of the earth so large and receiving the solar wind, would they have an effect on the core of the earth? Has it been measured? have the mechanical changes of the core of the earth due to the electromagnetic field, affected by the solar wind , been observed?. Water goes toward the weaker magnetic field and it is dielectric. So the borders of Pangea would be the areas most charged electromagnetically.

For a time I thought that earthquakes occurred in opposing extremes of the earth . If there was an earthquake in Malasia, then the next earthquake could be in Peru. Now I think that if I want to predict volcanic activity in Peru I should pay attention to what was the opposing side during the Pangea.

Volcanic eruptions seem to be "seasonal", before and after big eruptions , small tremors are felt in one place. But also , it may be confirmed with the data that different places have volcanoes with eruptions grouped in time.

Tags: geology, earthquakes, volcanoes


10:58:40 PM EST
Feeling Quiet
Hearing Pop music of the 70's Edit Entry Delete Entry

Muchas veces se habla del agua como un signo de paz, La recta linea horizontal de las aguas , lo uniformemente plano de su superficie, y color, etc. Al menos de lejos no hay sorpresas a la vista cuando uno contempla el agua. Cuando se miran las montañas, tan variables y con caprichosos detalles, se ve algo mas complicado a la vista. Si nos inclinamos un poco sobre agua tranquila, podemos vernos a nosotros mismos. Somos fisiologicamente 70% agua , y al mirarnos estamos en nuestro elemento. Nuestra imagen reflejada en el agua tiene un marco apropiado, un complemento, una necesidad , una fuente de liquido que nos da seguridad . Mucha parte de la paz radica en ese confortable pensamiento de seguridad. Cuando menos una necesidad vital de nuestro organismo podría ser saciada.
Los colores son tan naturales cuando observa una playa, un lago .El color verde de las algas, mezclado con el azul del cielo, el cual refleja, nos hace sentir terricolas . Hemos visto colores similares a lo largo de nuestra vida, sin embargo existen matices que varian con la luz del sol, las nubes , el viento, la estación del año, etc.
La ciudad y sus complicaciones se ven lejos cuando uno esta solo en un velero. Uno esta desconectado de la arena , de la tierra , del comienzo de los edificios y montañas. En este velero , la blanca vela oculta parte de la ciudad. El rojo casco del bote sostiene una vela tipo Bermuda , con su ápice en el cielo lejano, por encima de la ciudad.
El aire se adivina sin polucion alrededor del velero. Siempre hablamos del aire limpio de las montañas, Se supone que en lugares alejados , lejos de las ciudades, el aire es mas puro.
Paz, pureza, necesidades satisfechas, familiaridad y permanencia creo que van con la belleza. Pero no es demas pedir que no sean una mentira de un momento. Que lo blanco sea blanco y lo rojo sea rojo, que la cercanía al agua no sea una continua sed por agua pura.

Tags: sail boat, velero.